Astrid x Erik Lefvander

In our showroom on Nybrogatan we show many of our fabrics, there are curtains hanging from floor to ceiling along all the walls. We want to reflect our collections and range and at the same time display colours and structures we are inspired by. 2018, our theme was dusty pink meets blue in one half of the room and natural fiber and flameproof fabrics in beige tones versus yellow green in the other half.

We want to reflect our collections and range and at the same time display colours and structures we are inspired by.

Different types of fabrics in the same shade provide an interesting play and can at the same time provide different functions in the interior. We like to mix different structures and fiber types, glossy, matte, wrinkled and sheer.

In the exhibition this year, we had a collaboration with the lighting company Lightwork and designer Jessica Signell. Prior to the photography with Erik Lefvander, we borrowed ceramic objects from Dusty Deco and objects and furniture from Asplund.

In the beige part is a large table of elm wood, a work of art in itself with an impressive massive slice of an entire tree originally standing in a southern Swedish city. Around the table are poufs from upholstered in our various furniture fabrics. Above the table hangs the lamp Grand Orient Star from Lightwork. Behind the table hangs a selection of our natural beige fabrics in double width, mostly denser fabrics against the wall and more transparent against the window, where the transition from the beige to the yellow-green shades begins.



From the left are Nora 3133, Ruby 3212, Nizza MM 3316 and California 5342. Puffs in Alber 3230 and Lana 3669.
The silk yarn visible in Aruba Mano Morbida gives a nice lustre, here in colour 3552.
From the left: round poufs upholstered in Barric 8530, Vintage 3220, Alber 9829, the square pouf in Velvet Baby Mohair 8280.
California in color 5342 together with Velvet Uni 5340, poufs in Lana 3620 and Barric 8530.

Jessica Signell’s table in coloured MDF together with a marble table from Asplund is decorated with ceramic objects from Dusty Deco. On the floor, a marble ball from Asplund. The fabrics for curtains change from powder pink to warm beige tones to meet cooler blue tones in the space behind the glass doors.


From the left hang Davos 3620, Isolde 6336, Como 3659.
Bern 7221, Rivoli 7290 in the window. Ripasso in color 7511 is draped on a stool, cushions in Vintage and Axel.
From the left, Bern 7221, Rivoli 7290 hangs in the window.
Cushions in our denser qualities and upholstery fabrics can be seen on the shelf. Curtain in the fabric Barbera 7573 on the left, on the right Edvard in colour 4793 (Astrid arkiv)